Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What a mess!

What a mess of a day! I'm glad it's over. I seemed to spread confusion and misinformation wherever I went and my desk has atrophied from a state of creative foment to an impenetrable mound of paper. Time for a break I think. Fortunately, tomorrow I'm off to Copenhagen where, under the guise of attending a conference, I shall attempt to decapitate the Little Mermaid statue for the third time since its unveiling. See here for a report of the last time this occurred.

[That's right sweetie, just look away while I reach for my hacksaw ...]


Donna said...

Hi Andrew,

In case you read this while you're still in Denmark, I've got a phrase for you:

"Det var ikke mig"

Might come in handy...


Donna said...

And thanks to Anth for directing me to your blog :-)

Anonymous said...

"That time, the head disappeared for good and no culprits were discovered, even though the police called in the homicide squad to investigate 200 callers begging arrest. All were discounted as irresponsible, publicity-seekers, crazies."

Even if you don't succeed in the decapitation, you still fit the profile of someone who claims responsibility.

Anonymous said...


Should your plan succeed, you will stand in illustrious company:

Statues of Margaret Thatcher, the Virgin Mary and Wally Lewis have all been dismembered in recent years. Without necessarily wishing to equate each statue, it's interesting that an Australian was involved in two out of the three attacks.





Emma said...

What's your problem with the little mermaid? That one looks a bit more palatable than bloody Ariel of Disney fame.

How is the trip going? I remember a Hans Christian Anderson song about Copenhagen. Ah... when I say I remember a Hans Christian Anderson song, I should really say that I remember Danny Kaye singing a song about Copenhagen in a movie about Hans Christian Anderson... Is it stuck in your head now? You won't half look like a wally swanning about the streets singing "Wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen, salty old queen of the sea! Once I sailed away, but I'm home today, singing Copenhagen, wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen for me!"

Andrew said...

Hello everybody, thanks for your responses. No doubt Anth's shameless promotion of my blog helped you find it. What on earth does "Det var ikke mig" mean? I ended up speaking English everywhere because most of the people I met spoke English anyway and so my poor attempts at Danish seemed even worse by comparison.

James, you see right through me ...

Donna said...

It means "it wasn't me". Did you end up cutting the head off?

How did you like Copenhagen?

Did you visit Tivoli? (I liked to visit in the evening).

Anonymous said...


Actually the Pieta in Rome was also defaced by a crazed Australian. ( that being they hacked off her arm... not her face!). I think you fit the profile.