Well the blog has been rather severely neglected over the past month. And, yes, for those of you who have visited in the past, arguably it has been in a constant state of decline since I first started it ...
Anyway, the big news is that my thesis has come back and has been PASSED, with (almost) NO corrections! (The sole correction picked up by the markers was the use of the word 'proceed' when I should have written 'precede'.) Unfortunately, since then I have noticed a formatting error and a spelling error in the appendix. This was after I had printed and hard bound my final copies. Ah well ...
Today I cleared out my desk at the university and packed my accumulated papers, files and notes in the car, and drove it all home. It was a sad note of finality as I tore down the photographs, pictures and quotes that have looked down on my desk over the last few years. My favourite quote, which I shall pin up at home, is from the geographer David Sibley: "Knowledge and high productivity rarely go together."